
we live our lives BRAVE as we are continually finding LIGHT within our lives.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Never look down unless you are looking for HEART rocks.

I love finding simple ways that bring happiness and peace to my heart. One way that I have been able to do that is through finding and collecting HEART ROCKS. They are like little "shout outs" to me from my Father in Heaven reminding me to look UP and that He knows my HEART. (I have a jar full of them!) Usually when I am looking for heart rocks, it is in moments when I am striving to BE positive, to find a way to rise above, and to gain a higher perspective. When I choose to SEE with spiritual eyes and recognize the Lord's hand in all things, then I can spy any kind of heart rock where ever I am-- they are all different and unique.  It reminds me that all of our HEARTS as children of God are different, and unique.. but he KNOWS them. In Mosiah 5:12 it says..
"I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your HEARTS, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye HEAR and KNOW the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you." 
Do we recognize and know HIS VOICE? We'll hear his voice, if we're listening. I love finding a good heart rock.. When I find one, it reminds me to open my own heart to listen, and be sensitive to the promptings that come.
*think about what some of your own "heart rocks" are in your life.

It is better to look UP - General Conference Talk

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

personal PROGRESS.

Today I have been pondering and studying the importance of personal PROGRESSION. We all have the incredible opportunity to progress throughout our lives. We learn that the plan of salvation is ALL about progression. It is a continual process-- something we are working on DAILY. As I have been thinking about this, I was remembering my experiences in Young Womens and the program that we are given to help develop our GIFTS, TALENTS, and ABILITIES to BEcome the best we can BE. Here is the PURPOSE in this Personal Progress:
"Purpose of Personal Progress will help you strengthen your faith in and testimony of Jesus Christ as you learn His teachings and regularly apply them in your life. It will help you strengthen both your present family and your future family. It will help you prepare to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple. And it will prepare you to be a faithful, contributing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Personal Progress program uses the eight Young Women values to help you understand more fully who you are, why you are here on the earth, and what you should be doing as a daughter of God to prepare for the day you go to the temple to make sacred covenants. It will help you prepare for your future roles as a faithful woman, wife, mother, and leader in God’s kingdom. Participating in Personal Progress teaches you to make commitments, carry them out, and report your progress to a parent or leader. The patterns you establish as you work on Personal Progress—such as prayer, scripture study, service, and journal keeping—will become personal daily habits. These habits will strengthen your testimony and help you learn and improve throughout your life."
Through developing our gifts, talents, and abilities, we come closer to our Father in Heaven and to our Savior Jesus Christ. I would invite you to be consistent with your journey of PROGRESSION. To always be striving to be close to Heavenly Father. Personal Progress is a tool our Father in Heaven has given specifically to young women and their Mom's to work together to fulfill their role as Daughers of a Heavenly Father.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

BEcoming a beautiFUL butterFLY.

I LOVED reading this article. It brought a special spirit to my HEART.

It gives me HOPE. It reminds me that we all go through a process of BECOMING. That sometimes we don't always see the beautiful color of our own wings. That it takes time, struggle, and effort to FIND our WINGS, and then COURAGE to actually FLY. I know that through the power of the ATONEMENT we can find strength. I love my Savior, and the ability he gives me to BE better every day.

Elder Neil L. Anderson teaches about BUTTERFLIES.

Here are simple ideas that Elder Anderson teaches us in this link:
You are a child of God with eternal possibilities available to you.To become who God would have you become, you will need the gifts of the Savior and your own correct choices.Your spiritual senses are refined and delicate and are protected by honesty and obedience.As you see beyond yourself, you begin to see who the Lord would have you become.You are a child of God with eternal possibilities available to you.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

join me on a JOURNEY of Coming unto CHRIST.

The Things that Matter MOST.
"We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see "

**what does it mean to "truly SEE?"
Being able to SEE in the way that God see's us. It is seeing with spiritual eyes. It is recognizing the way He works within our every day lives. It is through seeing His hand in all things that we truly come to KNOW Him.

I love the simpleness in the way that we COME UNTO CHRIST. It is through being obedient. It is through doing the little things everyday. It comes through learning to recognize His hand in our lives. It comes through reading our scriptures everyday. It comes through having a desire to have a meaningful relationship with him. It comes through learning what brings us true happiness. It comes through striving to be more like the Savior every day. It just simply COMES.

Join me on a journey of coming closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ...

Monday, January 27, 2014

My New Life

She is an INCREDIBLE example of living BRAVE.

We all have experiences throughout our lives that teach us to simply LIVE BRAVE. Think about simple or life changing experiences that have stretched you, pulled you, heightened you, and deepened your relationship with your Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the scripture that is shared in this video..
"And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." -Doctrine & Covenants 84:88
This scripture teaches me that we truly are never alone. There are evidences in our every day lives that SHOW us that He is there and that He is very aware of us.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

at | ONE | ment

Today, I have been pondering on the POWER of the ATONEMENT. I have been thinking about the way in which it has brought much peace and strength to my life. I would like to share a personal experience that has put this more into PERSPECTIVE..

I broke my arm doing something that I had grown to really love, SOCCER. I took a nasty fall, and broke my arm/wrist. It was painful-- but it fully healed over time, with a cast to protect it, and with doctors to check in on me. But when I get tired or exhausted through playing soccer or running, sometimes my arm/wrist still hangs funny. It doesn't mean it's not fully HEALED-- it is a reminder to STAY STRONG, to remember experiences that have taught me BE strong, and that patience is developed through TIME to heal. Each individual injury needs different tools and different amount of time for it to heal. The doctor is aware of how to allow it to heal in the proper way.
For me, the Atonement works in my life in a similar way.
Even when we are fully HEALED through the power of the Atonement for spiritual injuries-- sometimes we get exhausted from the journey of LIFE, and we are reminded of the experiences we've had that have STRETCHED us. We begin to remember the struggles that have made us STRONGER, that have helped us BEcome more refined and patient. We allow our SAVIOR to work in our lives to let our spirits HEAL in the proper way.

I am grateful for the way the Atonement has worked within my life. It has allowed me to come closer to my Savior. I am grateful for Him and His infinite ATONEMENT. He knows me.

Alma 7**I'd invite you to read Alma 7-- it is Alma testifying of the Savior. It is a chapter that I hold close to my heart.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Are the Tender Mercies of the Lord?

"Since last October I have reflected repeatedly upon the phrase “the tender mercies of the Lord.” Through personal study, observation, pondering, and prayer, I believe I have come to better understand that the Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, the Lord suits “his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men” (D&C 46:15). - Elder David A. Bednar

I love Elder Bednar's thoughts on TENDER MERCIES. This is a link to his thoughts-- 

I am grateful for the tender mercies I have seen and experienced throughout my life. I know they are real, that God is aware of me, He knows me. He FILLS my heart with JOY. It is ONLY through the infinite power of the ATONEMENT that he KNOWS us perfectly, LOVES us perfectly, and UNDERSTANDS us perfectly. I am grateFUL for my Savior every day.

Me and my companion sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour" this morning, and how true that is. Within every hour of the day-- he finds us. I know this to be true.